Registration Guideline


  • It is necessary to complete the online registration for every participant who wants to attend the conference. ONLY online registration is available through the PASMISS 2025 website.
  • The registration via email and fax will not be accepted.
  • After you complete your online registration, you can only modify your personal information until the pre-registration deadline. If you wish to change your registration category or cancel your registration, please contact the secretariat by email at
  • A receipt for your registration can be issued and printed at 'My Page', after log-in.

Registration Fee


  • Early-bird (by June 30, 2025)

    USD 150 (KRW 150,000)

  • Regular (by July 31, 2025)

    USD 200 (KRW 200,000)

  • On-site (by August 14-16, 2025)

    USD 250 (KRW 250,000)

Allied Health Person *

  • Early-bird (by June 30, 2025)

    USD 75 (KRW 75,000)

  • Regular (by July 31, 2025)

    USD 100 (KRW 100,000)

  • On-site (by August 14-16, 2025)

    USD 150 (KRW 150,000)


  • Early-bird (by June 30, 2025)

    USD 50 (KRW 50,000)

  • Regular (by July 31, 2025)

    USD 70 (KRW 70,000)

  • On-site (by August 14-16, 2025)

    USD 100 (KRW 100,000)

  • * Allied Health Person: Resident, Fellow, Nurse, Army Surgeon, Coordinator, Physician’s Assistant and Research Assistant

Confirmation of Registration

Registration will be acknowledged by e-mail within minutes after submitting the online form. The final confirmation letter will be sent by email within a week upon receipt of full payment, including a confirmation of your requirements according to the submitted registration form. We strongly recommend presenting this confirmation letter upon arrival at the onsite pre-registration desks in order to collect your name badge and congress materials in the most efficient manner possible.

If you have not received the official registration confirmation e-mail within one week from the time of submission, please contact the Conference Secretariat at email

Registration Process

  • STEP 1Create Account
  • STEP 2On-line Registration
  • STEP 3Receive
    “Registration Acknowledgement”
  • STEP 4Payment
  • STEP 5Payment Receipt
    “MY PAGE”
  • STEP 6Complete

Payment Method

Payment of registration fees should be made using one of the following methods. You can choose one of the options during the online registration process.

Option 1: Credit Card
  • The following credit cards will be accepted: VISA, MasterCard, JCB, and CUP.
  • All service charges of credit cards are to be paid by the registrants.
  • The actual debit amount is subject to change according to the exchange rate.
  • The merchant name on your credit card statement will be 'OOOOO.'
Option 2: Wire Transfer
  • All bank remittance charges are to be paid by the registrants.
  • The sender's name should be the registrant's name. If the registrant’s name and the sender’s name are not identical, please send a copy of the wire transfer slip to the secretariat marked with the registrant’s name that appears on the wire transfer slip.
  • Please ensure that the registrant's name is on the bank remittance receipt.
  • Appropriate payment should be completed within the right period of registration. If you pay after the registration period, you will be required to pay the additional fee by wire transfer.

Invoice & Receipt

  • Invoice will be issued within two weeks after your request by e-mail to
  • Receipt can be issued and printed at the ‘My Page’ after you complete the proper payment.


  • The certificate of attendance / presentation / chairing the session can be issued and printed at the ‘My Page’ after two weeks after the conference.

Cancellation & Refund Policy

  • Cancellation must be notified to the conference secretariat in writing by e-mail at or fax to +82-2-6959-2509. All refunds will be made after the conference for administrative reasons. All bank service charges and administration fees will be deducted from all registration refunds.
Cancellation by June 30, 2025 50% refund
Cancellation after July 1, 2025 No refund